Have your juices run dry? Need more meaning in your life? Are you ready for an awakening? Sounds like it’s time for a once-in-a-lifetime spiritual retreat or tour with Laura Giles.
Laura’s spiritual retreats will help you dump the baggage, invigorate your life, and give you fuel to make positive changes. Are you ready? Check out the Tours and Retreats tab to see where we are going next.

My Moon is in Cancer, which means that I am most comfortable when I feel at home. I love the family vibe and seek to create that everywhere I go.
When you travel with me, I want you to feel emotionally safe, supported throughout your journey, and independent enough to do what makes you happy.

Connecting with the land and people are really important to me. I always seek an up-close-and-personal opportunity to cultivate an experience that goes bone deep, one that is personal and unforgettable.
Every place is different. Every tour or retreat is different, yet each one is so special.
I trust that the universe will bring us the experience we most need to have, and it's always delivered.
“You bring out the best of anyone in the group by being caring and yet so determined. I also LOVE your lack of attraction for drama. I would go to hell with you if you offered that tour.” ~ C.V., Scotland ’17
“The story of my Peru tour with you now sounds so fabricated (and I have added nothing to it, there’s no need) that I have to share pics!! I remember saying that it was the best trip I had been on and I have been on many. I could feel God, my angels, spirit guides, spirit animals, heck the entire universe was with and a part of me on that journey.” ~ F.H, Peru ’16
“I’m a believer in the power of your tours. One of the reasons why I have been inviting people to your trips is exactly due to the unique feeling it left me from my first experience. So it’s just natural I want people I love to experience it too.” ~ C.S, VA ’England 15
“The most informative, life changing tour I have ever experienced! I was given all the head information that was required, and had not realized the extent my heart would be moved, changed, uplifted and shifted into a new reality. Everyday in England was a shock to preconceived notions. I spent so much time processing and allowing the changes to flow. It is difficult to explain all that went on during this tour, I just know I am changed for the betterment of my heart, my spirit and all phases of my health!” ~ J.E., ’England 15
“ The key to having fun in Egypt is… opening your mind to the vastly different culture, breathing in the beauty of Cairo and the people! If someone asked if I should go to Egypt, my advice would be … GO! GO! GO! Take a backpack, good walking shoes and a sense of adventure! I enjoyed my trip to Egypt so much, I started saving for the next one before we departed the airport in Cairo to come home!! My only regret is that sleep interfered with my shopping and touring!” ~ Gameela, Egypt ’06
“Egypt, you take everything: my control, my contacts, my cohesion, my comprehension… At the same time, you give everything: majesty, wonder, intensity, companionship… I also cried when I first saw you, and when I left, because I knew I’d never be the same without you. You taught me take care of myself and to let go… I believe only Laura could open the doors to: buying scarves at Hussein’s, ordering the best, hardest-won costumes, “trekking” through the Khan, dancing in a workshop with Raqia Hassan in the middle of the night in evening clothes, riding in taxis that made me call on Jesus, and so many other things. I was never really scared, though, and I think people who have this impression are wrong and should not let this idea stand in their way of the trip of a lifetime. These were opportunities that had to be taken as soon as they were offered, for fear that they would not come around again. Insh’allah, we will have this chance again.” ~ Zuleika, Egypt ’06
“I loved the non-stop go, go, go, go, pace. If felt like we were there for two weeks. I loved having everyday crammed full!! I also want to thank you (Laura) for your patience, stamina, and afro-senses! Your guidance and knowledge made the trip an experience of a lifetime. I feel so fortunate to have met you and so blessed to have been invited to participate in this adventure.” ~ Aisha, Egypt ’06
“Thank you so much for giving me a gift of a lifetime – my first trip to Egypt! I will always cherish the memories of our exciting adventures in Cairo. You have shared something so special with us… your time, your knowledge, your joy of Middle Eastern culture, your love of Egypt. We have been blessed by your AfroSenses. Okay, so now that we are AfroSensitized, when do we leave for the next trip? I gotta get my fix.” ~ Christine, Egypt ’06
“You know I couldn’t have had a better time in Egypt! You are gracious, giving, patient, and so full of AfroSenses that I am amazed every time we spend time together. With the “cabs of Cairo,” shopping at 2:30 a.m., and being on the wrong side of the morning prayer, I shall always carry smiles in my heart and soul from this past trip. Thank you seems so small and insignificant for all the large and vital things you did for us.” ~ Jacqueline, Egypt ’06
“Touring with Laura is like touring with a well-connected native. Seemingly effortlessly, Laura pulls together the sights, people and places you want to see. “Tourist” destinations are included, but most everything has an “off the beaten path” perspective you won’t often find on crowded buses with overworked tour guides.” ~ Samira, Egypt ’06
“I had no idea Laura knew so many people, but I can see how. Everyone is so friendly! This was way better than going on a commercial tour. I felt like I experienced everything and got to connect with the land and the people. A Nile cruise, two birthday parties, two weddings, and six marriage proposals- wow! Unforgettable. Go, and have a great experience too!” ~ Lisa, Egypt ‘04
Join me as we explore the depths of our souls and embrace the magic of the universe together. Let's dive into this spiritual adventure and discover the wonders that await us!