Intuition Retreat

Cultivating your intuition is so important in a post-disclosure world where people and creatures have abilities that you don't! Taking time to develop your intuition will give you a trusted guide through these uncertain times.

woman in blue and white floral dress
woman in blue and white floral dress

Our mission

We're taking a week out of our lives, at the beginning of the year, to set the tone that we're serious about being holistic beings. We are dedicated to developing our inner awareness together. We're going to get in touch with our inner wisdom and live from that divine spark!

Our vision

We want to live in a world where people can live in peace and harmony. For that, we have to be able to create that peace within and radiate it out to others. "Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me."

palm trees on beach shore during daytime
palm trees on beach shore during daytime

Our itinerary

Each day will be a blend of mindful awareness of our inner being, engagement with the outer world, and learning and/or practicing intuition development skills.

shallow focus photography of water falls
shallow focus photography of water falls
Area Excursions

Explore the tropical beauty

woman in brown knit sweater holding brown ceramic cup
woman in brown knit sweater holding brown ceramic cup
Intuitive Practice

Cultivate your inner knowing

group of women standing on rock fragment
group of women standing on rock fragment

Feel support by others on the same path

silhouette photo of Buddha statue
silhouette photo of Buddha statue
Tapping the Divine Within

Leave feeling connected to Source