Black Forest Pilgrimage

Confront Your Darkness

Fairy tales weren’t originally written for children. They were stories for people of all ages to learn how to deal with adversity and laugh at our problems.

Fairy tales go back thousands of years because they speak to the soul.

Consider this an emersion into that world. We venture to the Black Forest, home of the Brother’s Grimm and landscape that inspired many of their tales

little red riding hood
little red riding hood

Explore Your Stories

Consider this an inner world journey as well as an outer world one.

Most days we will hike 4-6 hours through these mountains to allow our imagination to perhaps go into places we’ve not visited since we were children.

During our time together, with the help of your facilitator, Laura Giles, we will explore fairy tales, and our wounds that are acted out within them, to rediscover our strength within.


reconnect with magic


confront your fears


listen to your inner child

girl looking at a mushroom
girl looking at a mushroom

imagine possibilitiles


  • Sept 5 - morning arrival at Stuttgart, Germany airport. Drive to Calw. See the Castle Waldeck. Visit the picturesque medieval wood framed houses in the village.

  • On to Treetop walk in Bad Wildbad to enjoy the view from the tops of the Black Forest.

  • Then on to Zell am Harmersbach where we will spend the next 3 days hiking the Black Forest. You choose your trail and your duration.

  • On day four, we see France and Switzerland! Our first stop is Colmar, France where we will visit Neuf-Brisach, a UNESCO site and fortified town, and the picturesque villages of in this area.

  • From there we go to Basel, Switzerland. 

  • Then to our new home in Donaeushingen  for the next 3 nights. There are many hiking trails here to see the Black Forest.

  • On our way back to Stuttgart, we will stop at Titisee and Triberg (40 minutes, there is a beautiful waterfall there) before ending the day at the Wyndham Stuttgart airport hotel.

  • Fly home on Sept 13.

Sept 4-13, 2024


fairy princess
fairy princess

Who Should Come?

  • People who are reasonably fit. We will be walking in the mountains for 4-6 hours a day.

  • People who are willing to be vulnerable and heal.

  • People who either have an active imagination or are willing to cultivate one.

  • People with an ancestral connection to this land that needs to heal or be revitalized.

  • People with healthy boundaries. This will bring up your stuff. You need to make sure it doesn't become someone else's issues.

  • Anyone whose gut says, “Yes!” Those who are meant to be here will be here.

hiker on mountain
hiker on mountain
Black Forest, lake Titisee
Black Forest, lake Titisee

What's Included?

  • lodging

  • breakfast daily

  • welcome dinner

  • optional morning wellness routine that may include medtation, qigong, "If it were my dream", and/or breathwork

  • optional opportunities to engage in healing practices that bring up what’s buried deep inside so you can get it out

  • support processing things that come up

"Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place in the world you occupy." ~ Gustav Flaubert

Black Forest
Black Forest
Triberg waterfall
Triberg waterfall


Ready to Book?
